मैना बीबी का मकबरा, राजमहल (Tomb of Maina Bibi) – Rajmahal

Maina Bibi’s grave in the centre of the town has a far more elaborate tomb, compare to other tombs in Rajmahal, dating back to 1779.

Historian H.M Qureshi has identified the tomb with Munni Begum, who was a Begum of the harem of Nawab Mir Jaffer of Bengal. It is in a state of decay.

Tomb of Maina Bibi, Rajmahal

INTACH’s conservation initiatives in Jharkhand helped in the analysis of threats to built heritage in the area.

Read more about मैना बीबी का मकबरा, राजमहल (Tomb of Maina Bibi) – Rajmahal
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