A ruined tort about twelve miles south of Kishangunj on the eastern bank of the Mahananda river. The story goes that there were five brothers who lived in the Vikramaditya period and whose names were Asura, Benu, Barijan, Nanha and Kanha. Each of these brothers built a Garh or fortified residence and named it after himself. But the Garhs of the last two brothers are not to be found.

It is historically proven that the study area, much before the advent of the Aryans, was governed by the non-Aryan clans like the Asuras. In this regard, we have many references of the tribe who administered this region much before the advent of the Aryan culture. The traces of the sway of the Asura tribes can be found in the present Asuragarh, Barijangarh, Benugarh, Sikligarh, Bangarh and many places of North Bengal.