Shri Manoj Kumar Pandit (Bhagalpur, Bihar), known as Manjusha Guru in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar is transforming the ancient art of Ang Pradesh, the Manjusha Kala, and creating a space equivalent to well-known Mithilanchal Madhubani paintings. With his consistent efforts and dedication, Manjusha has been evolving as one of the most unique and influential art in the country. He has been practicing this art since childhood along with his mother when she used to draw Manjusha art on plates and other utilitarian items.
मनोज कुमार पंडित
जन्म : 13 जनवरी, 1975, मोहद्दीनगर, भागलपुर
Earning a Master Degree in Fine Arts, Manoj went to Mumbai to try for acting but his love and passion for Manjusha couldn’t hold him much longer in the Mayanagri. He returned to his homeland and starting painting the mud walls of his house with Manjusha colours. In 1993, Manoj started ‘Manjusha Vikas Yatra’ and established a cultural organization ‘Kala Sagar’ that over the years inspired budding artists to learn this art form. Manoj Pundit’s objective is to add thousands of artists to this magnificent art and make financially independent. His entire life is dedicated to Manjuhsa and its culture in Bihar.