Kakandi Temple is situated in a village called Kakan, 20 km north of Jamui railway station,19 kms from Kiul railway station and 120 kms from Patna. This is supposed to be the birth place of Suvidhinath, the 9th Tirthankara of Jains. The Jain temple is considered as a popular pilgrim centre of Jain religion.

Four Kalyanakas (Events of a Tirthankara’s life which are beneficent to the world) namely chayvan, birth, diksa and attainment of omniscience of Suvidhinath took place on this holy land. Bhagawan Suvidhinath is also called Puspadanta. Since this is the holy land of Bhagawan Suvidhinath, the ninth Tithankara of the present group of 24 Tirthankaras. Shri Suvidhinath Bhagwan seated in lotus Posture in white color and Foot-Prints of the deity in black color of length 18 Cms in a shrine in the town of Kakandi (Shve).
Kakandi Temple is situated in a village called Kakan, 20 km north of Jamui railway station,19 kms from Kiul railway station and 120 kms from Patna. This is supposed to be the birth place of Suvidhinath, the 9th Tirthankara of Jains. The Jain temple is considered as a popular pilgrim centre of Jain religion.

Four Kalyanakas (Events of a Tirthankara’s life which are beneficent to the world) namely chayvan, birth, diksa and attainment of omniscience of Suvidhinath took place on this holy land. Bhagawan Suvidhinath is also called Puspadanta. Since this is the holy land of Bhagawan Suvidhinath, the ninth Tithankara of the present group of 24 Tirthankaras. Shri Suvidhinath Bhagwan seated in lotus Posture in white color and Foot-Prints of the deity in black color of length 18 Cms in a shrine in the town of Kakandi (Shve).

Three epigraphs in the Temple, The first is engraved in the Pedestal of the image of Parsvanatha and is dated V. S. 1504, Phalguna sudi 9 (February 1448 A.D) in Language and Alphabet Sanskrit, Nagari Mentions Sivai of the Mahatiyana family and the Muṁmatoṁḍagotra. Sivai’s father and grandfather are also mentioned.
The second inscription is around the foot-marks in front of the image of Parsvanatha in the same temple and is dated V. S. 1822,(April 1765 A.D) Vaisakha sudi 6. in Language and Alphabet Sanskrit, Nagari records renovation of the temple and the installation of the foot-marks of Suvidhinatha by the Jaina saṅgha of Kakandi (Kakan)-tirtha.
The Third inscriptions is Back of a Jain Ayagapaṭa in the same temple and is dated V. S. 1933 (1876-77 A.D) in Language and Alphabet Sanskrit, Nagarir Records the installation of the Ayagapaṭa by Santisagarasuri. Mentions Rai Bahadur Dhanadeva Siṁha.
History of this shrine begins with the 9th Tirthankar Sri Suvidhinath. According to Swetamber traditions the four Kalnayaks (Chayvan. Janm, Diksha,and Keval Gnan) of Sri Suvidhinath occurred in this place. Sri Suvidhinath is also named as Pushpadanta.
Once upon a time king Sigriva reigned here. His wife’s name was Ramadevi. As good fortune would have it, the queen on Falgun Krishna 9 had dreams on her sleep indicative of the birth of a Tirthankar. At that very moment the soul of Sri Mahapadma after completing its two earlier incarnations entered the womb of this mother to be . In the course of time after the pregnancy period was over, she gave birth to a son with the sign of al alligator during the constellation of Mulla on the auspicious Magsar Krishna 5. During the period of pregnancy the mother-to-be proficiently performed all “Vidhiya” (rituals) as required in Jain.

Traditions the son was named Suvidhinath. Also as the mother-to-be had developed a craving for flowers during this period, the son was named Pushpadanta.
All the Gods including Lord Indra of heaven and the towns people celebrated the two Kalyanaks with very great éclat and happiness. Sweets and other necessities were then freely distributed by the king.
As the prince developed into a grown up youth at the instance of the king he married several princesses and for a few years he administered the kingdom with efficiency and ease. During his reign, the subject enjoyed the great prosperity. One day, realizing the worldly life of pleasures as transcient and unreal, at the inspiration provided by past highly evolved souls he renounced his kingly life and got himself initiated in the Jain order of saints at a place known as Saharamravan together with 1000 other kings on Magsar Krishna 6. Before this happening however, he showed little interest in worldly possessions and wealth by distributing freely all that heowned throughout the year. Thereafter, wandering as recluse and a pious saint for 4 months he returned to the same mango grave and standing under a malur tree practicing austere penance he finally attained Keval Gnan on the Karthik Sukla 3 during the constellation of Mulla> According to another opinion the 4 Kalyanaks of Bhagwan Sri Suvidhinath occurred at a place called Khunkhughagram which was Kakandi, about 3Kms from the railway station of Nonasar.
Spirituality of the Place
The place commands obeisance because four Kalyanaks of Bhagwan Suvidhinath, the 9th Tirthankar of the set of 24 for the present cycle of time occurred here. A place such as this where the period of Janm to Diksha of a Tirthankar has been spent, where Keval Gnan has been attained by him and the first sermon delivered resulting in the upliftment of thousands of other ordinary souls can never be adequately described. Even today, the particles of dust of the area and the vibrations surcharged with a spiritual force transform the pilgrims and elevate them to a level of consciousness never experienced by them before. All who visit the place feel grateful for the opportunity afforded to them for such an upliftment.
According to Jayaswal Research Institute Archaeological Explorations this site belongs to Early medieval period.
How To Reach
By Road
Private vehicles from Jamui are available. Government buses are also stopping at Kakan village. The bus station of the town is 1Km away. Cars, Taxis and small buses can go up to the temple . Owing to narrow roads large buses have to be stopped and parked at a distance of two furlongs from the temple.
By Train
Nearest Railway Stations: Jamui railway station – 20 kms, and Kiul railway station – 19 kms, Patna Junction – 125 kms
Where to Stay
There is a dharamshala for lodging in the courtyard of the temple where water and electricity are provided.