मुंगेर (Munger/Monghyr)

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Munger – The Details

Munger or Monghyr [both: mung´gir] is situated on the bank of Ganges River. It is a district administrative center and a grain market. The city has one of India’s largest cigarette factories and a firearms industry that dates back to the 18th cent.

Munger is famous for its goldsmiths and silversmiths.



The little town has nothing to show today for its long history except a Mughal fort and a temple, but it was once the capital of the ancient Anga kingdom. The British conquered Bihar in the battle of Buxar, which is nearby.

According to tradition the city was founded during the Gupta dynasty (c.320–545 B.C.). The Muslim leader Mir Kasim Ali used Munger as a base during his war against the British in 1764.

The history of Monghyr is, in fact, a chronology of battles. It begins with the Mahabharata that records the encounter of Bhim with the ruler of Modagiri (Monghyr’s ancient name as mentioned in the Mahabharata) and concludes with the defeat of Nawab Mir Qasim in 1763 at the hands of the East India Company. In between, the pages of history of Monghyr are riddled with rebellions, sieges and battles fought between Palas, Pratiharas, Turks, Mughals, Afghans, Marathas and the English.

When history is not in sharp focus, it gets besmirched with countless tales and traditions. True, they confuse us but certainly, they entertain us. Historians differ on the origin of the ancient fort of Modagiri. Some of them make us believe that Jarasanda, the king of Magadha established his capital here as well and confined thousands of Indian princes on the hills of Nauyagarhi, whom he wanted to sacrifice in order to appease the gods! Another account links the fort to Raja Karna of Anga who established this capital which still retains the name of Karanchaura where he used to meditate and distribute tons of gold in charity. Some historians stand by Chandragupta as the founder of Monghyr, which was called as Gupta Garh – a name that has been found inscribed on a rock here. Buddhist tradition refers to Monghyr as Maudgolyagiri, named after a rich merchant – Maudgala who was converted by Buddha to his religious order. Ramayana too is replete with references to Monghyr.

Rampala, a frustrated and helpless Pala king, drowned himself in the Ganga at Monghyr in 1130 AD. During these four centuries of Pala rule, Monghyr was their playground. The Pala sculptors fully used the black basalt from the Kharagpur hills to create numerous beautiful pieces. Much later in 1643 the masnad (throne) of the Nawab of Bengal was chiselled in Monghyr.

Humayun and Sher Shah Suri criss-crossed Monghyr several times in the course of their decisive battles. In fact, Sher Shah loved Monghyr because of his early success here which later paved his way to the throne of Delhi. He was once wandering here in disguise when a milk woman offered him refreshment. Pleased with her services, he acceded to her request for a road among the hills, which is still referred to as Goalin Khand. Ain-e-Akbari describes Monghyr as the chief town where Raja Maan Singh had his residence and Raja Todar Mall remained entrenched in the Monghyr fort when he came to crush the rebellious Bengal army of the Mughals.

The fortunes of Monghyr once again surfaced momentarily in 1762 when Nawab Mir Qasim Ali resolved to shift his capital from Murshidabad to Monghyr in order to keep an eye on the increasing influence of the British. The Nawab was popular for his justice and able administration but his political miscalculations ended in his defeat and death after a few years.

East India Company acquired the palace of Nawab Mir Qasim Ali after two days of severe shelling which rendered Princess Gul and Prince Bahar homeless. Sheltering themselves in one of the tunnels, they used to attack the British during the night. The ploy was soon discovered and the young prince dressed in tiger skin was shot dead.


Bhim Bandh Sanctuary

A village in the Kharagpur subdivision, within the Kharagpur police-station with an area of 4137 acres. It is situated about 12 miles south-west of Kharagpur and four miles north of Guddih. Close to the village are some hot springs, called Tatal-pani (Tapta-pani) with are by far the finest in the district. The District Gazetteer of

Bhimband Sanctuary

Bhimband Sanctuary

Monghyr published in 1926 quoted Captain Sherwill “The first spring is situated about 300 yards to north of village immediately under a small detached Hill named Mahadeva, from whose base the water issued in a fine stream at temperature of 1470 Fahrenheit . A few hundred yards farther to the north, at foot of the hornstone hill Damadama, we came upon a region of hot springs. Hot water appeared to be spouting from the ground in every direction; the principal spring, of which there are eight or ten, had uniform temperature of 1450, all rising within a space of about 300 yards square.

Across numerous hot streams are, of course, many foot-paths used by the cultivators round about Bhimbhand, but nowhere at the point of crossing did one find water above 1200, and even the temperature made the men and woman hurry the stream when fording from bank to bank. To the European skins the hit of 1100 was intolerable, nor could of the party walk coolly across any of the fords at that temperature without being severely scalded not blister. Luxuriant crops of rice raised by the aid of the streams large fields being fed by the water, but at a reduced temperature by leading it in devious courses to the cultivated land. The united waters of all these hot springs are conveyed pool of cold water under an over-hanging rock in that river, called Bhimkund, which is sacred to the Bhima and is visited by pilgrims. These springs, rising at about 300 feet above sea-level are the principal source of the Man itself. The highest temperature recorded by Dr. Buchanan on the 21st March, 1811, was 150`. Sherwill in September of 1847, Waddell in January of 1890, and Schulten in August of 1913, observed temperatures of 147`, 146.2`, and 148` respectively; but Mr. V.H. Jackson considers that there are twelve sources in the Mahadeva group and at least nineteen in the Damadama group; and the hottest of them may not have been observed; readings taken between 1912 and 1919 varied from 145.5` to 146` in the Mahadeva, and from 148` to 148.8` in the Damadama series.

Buchanan noticed that water of the Man, near the springs, was warmer than the atmosphere; and in one place where bubbles were rising in the stream his thermometer registered 98`. Mr. Jackson has traced this to a second series of hot springs along the course of the river, commencing immediately below the Bhimkund and extending for more than a quarter of a mile before the outflow of the first series is reached. Their position varies to some extent from year to year after rains; but when they can be observed above the stream level their temperature is fairly uniform, though not higher than General Cunningham identified the Mahadeva Hill with one mentioned by Hiuen Tsiang in the seventh century A.D. as the site where Buddha overcame the Yaksha Vakula. Hiuen Taisang describes the place as a small solitary double-peaked hill, or, according to another translation, a hill “with successive crags heaped up” situated on the western frontier of Hiranya Parvata, a tract held by recognized authorities to coincide the approximately with the hilly portion of this district.

To the west was six or seven hot springs, the water of which was extremely hot. Colonel Waddell has shown, however, that there are good grounds for doubting this identification and that the natural features of the country do not agree with the description of the Chinese pilgrim. He points out that the hill is not on the western but the southern frontier of Hiranya Parvata; and that the hot springs are not to the west of the hill, but actually upon the hill itself and on its eastern and north-eastern slope. There are no remains of any kind except those of a small brick shrine about four feet square housing a linga; there is no history of there ever having been any remains; and the situation is so remote that had they ever existed, it is scarcely possible that every trace of them would have been swept away.

Monghyr Fort (Mirakasim’s fort)

Monghyr Fort

Monghyr Fort


Mir Kasim Fort

Another gate of Mir Kasim Fort

Monghyr FortThe most famous and important of the monuments at Munger is the fort, build on a rocky eminence projecting into the river Ganga which protects it from west and partly from the north, the other sides being defended by a deep moat. the fort encloses an area of about 222 acres and has a circuit of 4 kms. It was build during the time of the early Mohammedan kings of India



Kashtaharni Ghat

Monghyr Kashtaharni Ghat

Monghyr Kashtaharni Ghat


Kastaharni Ghat, Another View

Kastaharni Ghat, Another View

Kashtaharni Ghat is the place where river Ganges takes a bend and moves towards north, becoming Uttar-Vahini. It is because of this fact only that this particular ghat holds significance for the Hindus. History mentions Govind Chandra of Kannauj made a grant after bathing in the Ganges at Mudgagiri, on the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya festival, making its origin quite antique.


Kharagpur Hills

Kharagpur hill, an extension of the Vindhyan Range, is rich in hot springs like Bhimbandh, Rishi Kund and a dozen others. The easiest to reach is Sita Kund (six km) where Sita, Rama’s consort, is said to have plunged herself after the fire ordeal to prove her chastity. The hot spring, enclosed in a masonry reservoir is to be seen to be believed. The water, besides being burning hot, is crystal clear, with small bubbles emerging in clusters every now and then. Surprisingly, there are four other pools (named after Ram, Lakshman, Bharat and Shatrughan) near Sita Kund temple but their water is cold.

The earliest monument is the 15th century tomb of Shah Nafa that reflects typical Bengali architecture. The 12th century saint is believed to have come from Iran at the invitation of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti of Ajmer. Nafa refers to the aroma of musk emanating from the grave that aroused the attention of Prince Daniel when he was strengthening the fortification in 1497. A little distance beyond the southern gate is an old Chamberlain Memorial Church with an inscription Ebenezer 1819.

Kharagpur is a small and picturesque town which is referred to as the Kharagpur Raj where the old havelis and hammams have given way to modern mansions. The three-domed Shahi mosque built during the reign of Shah Jahan in 1656 appears like the Taj built on the riverside. Nearby are the various hot springs and waterfalls.

Kharagpur Lake

The Kharagpur lake created by the Maharaja of Darbhanga in 1877 is a place to spend the evening and watch the sun leaping through the hills. It is formed by a damp built, two miles west of Kharagpur across the Man river, which at this point debauches through a narrow gorge in the hills. To the south-west the gorge widens out into a valley hemmed in on all sides by low but abrupt hills, and here a large reservoir has been formed by the accumulation of the

Kharagpur Lake Monghyr

Kharagpur Lake Monghyr

river water and of the drainage from the hills and valleys.

About a mile or two above the dam is picturesque waterfall called “PANCHKUMARI” or the five princess. In the neighborhood is a hill also called PUNCHKUMARI. The legend about this hill speaks of five daughters of the Raja of

Kharagpur Lake in Monghyr

Kharagpur Lake in Monghyr

Kharagpur, who took refuge there when there father was taken prisoner to Delhi.

About 2½ miles south-west of the Panchkumari fall, not far from Karmantari village, is a group of hot springs known as Lakshmikund, which emerge from crevices in rocks on the west side of a narrow torrend bed, some distance above and not far north of the lake, into which they discharge. These springs are most conveniently reached from Kharagpur, eight miles to the north east, by taking a boat across the lake. In 1917 Mr. V.H. Jackson found that the temperature of the eleven Principal out flows was over 146, while the temperature at the largest watch 151.30 which is higher than the maximum temperature recorded in the Bhimbhand or Janamkund groups, which these springs closely resemble. As at both of the later groups of springs, there is another series of springs lower down, which are distinctly cooler.

Ha-Ha Punch Kumari

It is a waterfall originating from the hills and boasts of a straight drop. It is situated at the western side of Rameshwar Kund. This fall is named after the five daughters of a Hindu King of Kharagpur, who committed suicide by jumping from the peak of the hill, to escape capture by Muslim aggressors. The waterfall is endowed with immense natural beauty.


A hill in the Kharagpur subdivision, situated in the Kharagpur Hills about seven miles north-east of Bhimbandh. There are several springs, known as Janamkund, at the bottom of the hill, which form the source of the Anjan River. One spring, which issues at all seasons of the year directly from a crevice in the rock, is apparently that of which the temperature was tested by Buchanan in 1811. Mr.V.H.Jackson, making tests at different seasons, has found that its temperature varies from 147.2` to 149`. A second series of springs, the existence of which was suspected by Buchanan, was discovered in 1912. These occur along the bed of the Anjan for about 150yards, at a quarter of a mile from the source. Their highest temperature yet observed is 140.


A hill in the Kharagpur subdivision, situated in Kharagpur Hills 13 miles south of Munger. An interesting  account of the hill is quoted in an article on the Kharagpur Hills by Captain Sherwill. The origin of the name Maruk is not known, but it is probably so called after the maharuk tree (Ailanthus Excelsa). An ideal picnic spot but hardly used.

Safiabad Mirza

Mirza Safiy retitled Saif Khan, was the husband of Malka Banu, eldest sister of Mumtaz Mahal, the lady of the Taj. When Saif Khan became the Governor of Bihar in 1628 A.D. he undertook construction of public utilities. Peter Mundy speaks very highly of them. The inception of safiabad township near Jamalpur and Safiasarai and a big well in Munger are commonly attributed to saif Khan.

Goenka Sivalaya ( Machchli Talab)

Shivalaya Monghyr

Shivalaya Monghyr

In the chain of beautiful temples Goenka Shivalay is one of the brightest name. Being one of the oldest, it is one of the acknowledged places for Hindu pilgrims. The Shiv temple is built in the midst of a big water tank, which is full of big and beautiful fishes. A rock-solid bridge road of white marble joins it from the main campus. Around the temple a very beautiful garden with flowers and greeneries are kept fully maintained. On festive days specially associated with Lord Shiva, the campus remains full of visitors and gives the impression of a mini mela.


Pir Pahar

Around six kilometres from the town is Pir Pahar, near Sita Kund, which offers an excellent view of Monghyr and its surroundings. The hill is called after an old Muhammadan Saint or Pir, whose name is no longer remembered, though devotees occasionally come to worship at his grave. There are two old tombs side by side at the foot of the hill, on one of which there is an inscription to the foot of the hill, on one of which there is an inscription to the memory of one Mary Anne Beckett, who died in 1832, while the other has a damaged inscription showing, till a few years ago, that it is in memory of a person named D’Oyly; the portion containing the name has now disappeared. The former is somewhat unconventional in form and character, consisting of a mausoleum surrounded by four walls open to the sky, and has a memorial tablet inserted in the northern wall, with the uncommon and not unaffecting inscription “Be still, she sleeps”. It is not known who Mary Anne Beckett was, but several legends are current about the manner in which she met her death. One is to the effect that she was a young girl who was killed when riding down the hill; another is that she threw herself down the hill owing to some love trouble; while another account says that she was the Kashmirian wife of a Colonel Beckett. Nothing is known about the person to whom the other tomb was erected, but Sir Warren Hastings D’Oyly, formerly Collector of Munger, to whom a reference was made, states that it is possible that he or she was a relative of a D’Oyly, who was formerly an indigo planter in the district. The inscription which is now obliterated shows that he or she died in 183-, i.e., between 1830and 1840.

On the top of the hill there is an old house which may be identified with the residence which, according to the Sair-Ul-Mutakharin, was erected for himself by Ghurghin Khan, the Armemian general of the Nawab Kasim Ali Khan. This is referred to in the Sair-Ul-Mutakharin as the house on the hill of Sitakund, though the sacred springs of Sitakund are two miles away and we learn that when Vansittart, the Governor of the East India Company, visited Munger in 1762, it was assigned to him for his residence. Thirty years later it appears to have been known as Belvedere and a pleasing description of it is given by Mr. Twining in “Travels in India a Hundred years ago”. Former Collectors of Munger resided in this house, which commands one of the finest views one can obtain along the Ganga. Both house and hill are now the property of the sons of the late Babu Upendra Nath Mandal of Chandernagore. Close by, on the summit of another small hill, is a house belonging to Babu Ram Lal Mukerji, a public-spirited Bengali gentleman, who placed a large sum at the disposal of Government for the relief of the distressed in times of famine and flood.

Sita Kund

Sita Kund in Monghyr

Sita Kund in Monghyr

The one Place, which puts Munger on the one of the most visited place, is known as “Sita-Kund”. This place has always been the one, which creates a lot of inquisitiveness among the visitors, as well as it gives a lot of pleasure too. The place is situated 4 miles east of the Munger town. It contains hot springs known as Sita Kund, besides this there is a Hindu temple and to the north is a reservoir of cold water, known as Ramkund, while to the west there were three more polls called after the three brothers of Ram, namely Lakshman Kund, Bharat Kund, and Satrughan Kund.

It has a very interesting ancient story about this place, which belongs in the period of Ramayana. According to which Sita after being rescued form Lanka, Ram to satisfy all public opinion asked Sita to prove her chasti and she gladly agreed to the Agni Pariksha (the fire ordeal). She came out of the fire test uncatched and imparted to the pool in which she bathed, the heat of her body which she had absorbed from the fire. The hot spring is now an enclosed and grilled reservoir and is visited by a large number of

Sita Kund, Monghyr

Sita Kund, Monghyr

pilgrims on the full moon day of Magh. The water is beautifully clear and transparent and sends up numerous bubbles from its rocky bed.  Various explanations of this phenomenon have been suggested, such as “Deep seated thermodynamics action and variation of under ground volcanic activities.”

Whatever be the nature of this and scientific exploration, it draws the attraction of foreign travellers and very briefly it is a curious phenomenon. On all accounts, it is a must watch in Munger.


International Yoga Institute / Bihar School of Yoga

International Yoga Institute, Monghyr

International Yoga Institute, Monghyr

The Bihar School of Yoga is a modern school of Yoga founded by Satyananda Saraswati in 1964. The Bihar School of Yoga imparts traditional yoga teachings to householders and sannyasins alike from across the globe.

The Yoga techniques developed there are a synthesis of many approaches to personal development, based on traditional vedantic, tantric and yogic teachings in conjunction with contemporary physical and mental health sciences. Today, these techniques are taught by Bihar Yoga Bharati and also by Satyananda Yoga Academies in Australia and Colombia and through the programmes outlined below.

Bihar School of Yoga also guides yoga projects and medical research in association with prestigious hospitals, organisations and establishments. Programs made by Bihar School of Yoga are being used today in the education and prison Government sectors, in hospitals, by the Defence Services, private and public sector industries such as Indian Oil Corporation, Coal India Limited, National Thermal Power Corporation, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, the Steel Authority of India, Hindusthan Paper Corporation, Hindusthan Copper Corporation and many more.

Official Web Site : www.yogavision.net
email : [email protected]
Address : Ganga Darshan, Munger,Bihar,India
Phone : 06344-22430
Fax : 06344-23169

Tomb of Pir Shah Nufa

Pir Nafa Shah Tomb in Monghyr

Pir Nafa Shah Tomb in Monghyr

Tomb of Pir Shah Nufa is located inside the southern gate of Munger Fort, on the top of a small mountain, about 25 inches high, which symbolizes the ruins of some Buddhist structure. The structure of the tomb consists of a domed tomb chamber, with a prayer room or mosque and a rest room attached to it.

There is an inscription on the entrance of the Dargah which speaks:

“Bari Aalee Teri Sarkar Hai Nafah-Shah; Mashaa-Allah Sakhi Darbar Hai Nafah-Shah.’

In the present fort area the oldest building inside the fort is a sacred Muhammdan shrine built on an elevated piece of ground near the southern gate. It is said that it was a mazar of a Pir or Saint whose name is still unknown. He is said to have traveled from Persia to Ajmer and from there came down to Munger under the instructions from Khwaza Moin-Uddin Chisti- the famous Sufi Saint and Lived at Munger for many years and also died here in 596 A.H, corresponding to 1177 A.D. He was buried in an obscure place near the ramparts and with the lapse of years exact burial place was forgotten. Ultimately, in 1497 A.D. when the ramparts of the fort being repaired by the Governor, Prince Danyal.

Tomb of Pir Shah Nufa

Tomb of Pir Shah Nufa

It was he who ordered a mosque to be built over that place. So since 1497 the particular place has been known as the Dargah of Shah Nafah, nafah being a Persian word meaning ‘pod of musk.’ Over the gateway there is an inscription set up by Prince Danyal and a round the Shrine are many old tombs in a delapitated state.    There is a popular tradition that Prince danyal got a divine dream about the exact location of the Dargah of Shah Nafah. A hint was given to him that the Dargah existed where the earth gave out the fragrance of Nafah (Kasturi).

It is significant to note that the Dargah attracts not only the Muslims but also the Hindus of the town. The offering of Chaddar and holding a musicial programme has become an annual feature on 1st of January every year. The dargah is said to be the protector of the town and a place of wish fulfillments. All those who pass through the road bow their heads in remembrance of the of the Great Saint.

Mullah Muhammad Sayyed Tomb

Tomb of Mullah Muhammad Sayyed is located on the top of the mainstay, at the southwest angle of Munger Fort. The Mulla was a Persian poet and had come to India from Mazandran near the Caspian Sea, during the reign of the Emperor Aurangazeb, who engaged him as a tutor to his daughter Zibunnisa Begum. He died in 1704 A.D. and his tomb existed until the early years of this century, when it was demolished and the grave removed.

Hazrat Maulana Shah Mustafa

The quarter known as Dilawarpur conatins the residence of a leading Muhammadan family known as the shah family. It trace back its descent to Hazrat Maulana Shah Mustapha Suh, a man of great learning. Who was a native of Seistan in Persia. The fame of his learning reached the ears of Akbar, who invited his to his court in Delhi, where Akbar marcired south to crush the rebellion of the Afghans in Bihar and Bengal, he was accompanied by Shah Mustafa Sufi, who distinguished himself in the field and made it clear that he possessed supernatural powers. Hearing of the holy life led by a saint of Munger, called Hazrat Shah Allaabad Arafin, and of the miracles he wrought, he gave up the idea of worldy career and came to Munger to meet the saint. As soon as Shah Mushtapha Sufi looked upon the saint, he become insensible, and when he revived, found himself in possession of divine secrets. He became the disciple of the Hazrat, who made him Sajjada-nashin, and on his death in 1050 A.H. (1650 A.D.) he was buried in Dilawarpur. Where his tomb may still be seen. His descendants still reside at Dilawarpur.

Manpathar (Sita Charan)

Sita Charan (Manpatthar)

Sita Charan (Manpatthar)

There is a rock carving situated at a distance of about 1 km from the Munger fort and is known by the locals as ‘ Manpatthar’. It is a rock in the bed of river. The Rock contains the impression of two feet, which is supposed to be the feet of Sita when she touched the rock in crossing the Ganga. It is 250 meter long and 30 meter wide. There is a small Mandir at that place.



Rameshwar Kund

Rameshwar Kund is situated on the northwest corner of the Kharagpur Lake. The origin of the lake has a legend associated with it. According to that ,during the Muslim invasion, one of the Generals camped at this site and dug the earth for water and by chance, a hot water spring came out.

Rishi Kund

A hot spring in the Munger subdivision situated about six miles south of Sitakund at the head of a picturesque little valley between two ridges of the Kharagpur Hills. It has been made a place of worship and a reservoir, about 140 feet square, has been built to collect the water. The bottom is in some places sandy, in others rocky; and the water seems to issue all along the western side from numerous crevice in the rock. Bubble rise from the whole extent of the pool near the hill, and where the gas issues from among sand is forms cavities like minute craters. According to observations taken by Buchanan on the morning of the 8th April, 1811 the thermometer in the air stood at 720 in the water were it issued from the crevice of a rock, it rose to 110o, and one of the cavities to 114o.

Ucheswar Nath

In Kharagpur area, there is a very important temple of Lord Shiva which is famous as Ucheswar Nath . It is also important for Santhals and a public fair is held here,where is Santhal boys and a girls marry, according to their tribal custom.

Gurudwara at Piparpanti

the father of Guru Govind Singh, Sri Teg Bahadur jee, the 9th Guru, and, the famous martyr, en route to his journey to Assam to settle a dispute, had chosen to stay, at Munger in a temple on the Piparpanti road just opposite the Dak-Bungalow for a few days on Magh 1724 Vikrami. Raja Ram Singh was selected by Aurangzed during his 10th year of his rule to lead a contingent of army to Assam, had met Guru Teg Bahadur at Munger. He requested the Guru Teg Bahadur to accompany him to Assam and he agreed to go there along with him. It is on record that from here he had written a letter to his wife, who was then at Patna awaiting the delivery of a son, who subsequently, became famous as Guru Govind Singh jee. This temple converted into gurudwara is gaining importance for the local Sikh population.

Sri Krishna Vatika

Named after the Proud Son of Munger and the First Chief Minister of the Bihar state Dr. Sri Krishna Sinha, Srikrishna  Batika, is a very beautiful enclosed garden just opposite to Kashtaharni Ghat. To have the pleasure of both a green place and holy river Ganga, this is one of the Must Visiting place for the peoples coming to Munger.

Sri Krishna Vatika is also one of the most interesting as well as adventurous venue available in Munger as it has two “Surangs” (tunnels). Some efforts in the past had been made to pass through the tunnels also known as- Mir Kasim’s Surang but these have only proved to be life taking. There are some tombs of Gul and Bahar, wards of Mir Kasim Ali.

It is said that Princess Gul and Prince Bahar used to hide under the tunnels by the riverside in order to weak vengeance upon the British officers. They used to clothe themselves with tiger skins during the nights. Once Bahar, on his rounded in a dark might was caught sight of by a British officer who instantaneously shot the Prince dead. The truth was reveled next morning and the Prince was said to have been buried by the darga of Pir Shah-Nafah-Gul. The Prince was found dead in a man’s attire by the side of her brother’s tomb, where she was also buried. The officer, responsible for Bahar’s and incidentally Gul’s death ordered for a daily salute of guns in the evening to mourn the loss of these children


It is just over 1000 feet above sea-level, and its healthy climate and picturesque surroundings have made it a popular health resort with Bengalis. It is situated on undulating ground, partly gravel and partly sand, and owing to the slope is rapidly drained. To the north and west are pretty little hills of diverse shapes; and the climate is always coller than in the low alluvial lands of the district.

In 1894 Mr.Surendra Nath Banerji, Editor of the Bengalee, came with his family to Simultala and occupied one bungalow. He saw the adventages of the place as a sanatorium and health resort.

The first masonry house was built in 1897,and a number of others were erected in the next ten years.

Simultala has a wide reputation among the Bengali community as sanatorium for the cure of malicious fevers and diseases of the lungs, and many people come here for a change , the season beginning about the month of October and continuing till the close of the cold weather.

Simultala used to attract a large number of visitors twice in the year. Calcutta doctors used to prescribe a change at Simultala for recouping health. The price control measures scared away the visitors and during this period there was a certain amount of criminal activities. The high prices of the essential commodities made the employment of the caretakers and malis of the houses rather expensive.

A visit to Simultala now has a depressing effect because it shows lakhs and lakhs of rupees lying waste in beautiful untenanted houses falling into disrepairs.

About four miles in the south-west corner of Simultala there is one Haridiya fall which serves as a sight scene place for the changer coming to Simultala”.


One of the peaks of the Kharagpur group of hills, situated 20 miles to the south-west of Munger so situated in Lakhisarai district of Munger Commissionary. The hill is named after the famous Rishya Sringa of the Ramayana, who performed a yajna sacrifice at the instance of king Dasharatha in order that the latter might have offspring. It is a much frequented place of pilgrimage especially on the Sivaratri day in February. There is a spring here in a gorge among the hills, which issues in six or seven places from below a high cliff of quartzite and forms a considerable stream lower down. A small reservoir has been constructed at the foot of the cliff, and is used for bathing. It is believed to have miraculous properties the story being that whoever goes into it, whether child or adult, short or tall, finds the water only waist deep.

The water is hardly lukewarm; colonel Waddell recorded 90.50  in January of 1890, whereas Mr. V.H.Jackson found the temperature to be 86.7`F in March and 87.1`F in October of 1909. There is also a temple dedicated to Mahadeo, a small square structure about 15 feet high, with a pyramid over it. It is said to have been built in the 30’s by a Marwari, to whom children were born after he had worshipped here. The emblem of the deity enshrined in the temple is an ordinary linga brought from Banaras. Another linga outside is said to have been the image originally worshipped. Several years ago the story goes; a mad man removed it from the temple and threw it into a stream, and it was discovered only after a long search. Near it is a female figure, about four feet high, carved in relief on black stone, holding in her hands two long flowers which give support to two small elephants. The smaller female figures, carved on the same block, stand at the two lower corners on either side of the bigger image. These images are probably Buddhistic but are now worshipped by Hindus, the bigger image as Parvati, the smaller ones as Gaura and Sandhya. General Cunningham states that he found several figures here, both Buddhistic and Brahmanical and two inscriptions, one of which was Buddhistic. The temple is about six miles from Kajra Railway Station, but is more easily accessible from Mananpur Railway Station. Eight miles to the south-west. An ideal place for hiking or picnic but seldom used. Now it lies in present nearby Lakhisarai District of Munger Commissionary.


A village in the Jamui District situated about five miles west of Somaria and four miles south of Sikandara. It contains a large Jain temple and dharmasala built in 1857 by Raj Dhanpat singh Bahadur of Murshidabad, for the benefit of Jain pilgrims, who visit some places in the adjacent hills. The nearest are three mikes south of Lachhaur and are marked “Muth Boodhroop” and “Muth Purusnath” on the Indian atlas sheet. They are two small shrines picturesquely situated in the valley between two parallel ranges of hills. In each of these shrines is a small statue of Mahavira, one of which dates back to Sambat 1505, while the other appears to be older. The temples themselves, however, are of recent date. Some  Jains hold Lachhaur to be the birth place of Mahabir Swamin ,the 24th  Tirthankar of the Jains.

Lachhaur is said to have been several centuries ago the residence of Puran Mal Raja of Gidhaur, who built the temples mentioned in the account of Simaria. On the outskirts of the village there is a temple dedicated to kali.

Other Attractions

A good number of tunnels are talked about in Monghyr but they are all sealed and no one is sure where they end. Some of the prisoners made good their escape through one of the tunnels near the prison which was once a part of the palace complex. Within the enclosure of the Monghyr Jail, one can still see remains of the torture chamber, palatial rooms, guard annexe and armoury with 17 feet thick walls!

Also famous are Chandika Astahan and Rishikund.


The climate of Munger is subtropical (warm in summer and cold during winter). The Köppen climate classification sub-type for this climate is humid subtropical.

Climate data for Munger, India
Average high °C (°F)23.5
Average low °C (°F)9.4
Precipitation mm (inches)15
Source: weatherbase



Monghyr is easily approachable with important road, rail, and ferry connections.


Munger city has two railway station Jamalpur Junction and purabsarai. Jamalpur Junction is the main rail head for the Munger city while Purabsarai Railway Station act as suburban Railway Station connectingJamalpur to the city.It is situated around 9 km from Munger city center. Munger is well connected to major cities of India like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Banglore, Surat, Guwahati, Lucknow, Kanpur, Jammutawi, Vishakhapatnam, Bhagalpur, Patna, Gaya, Muzzafarpur, Ranchi, Jamshedpur and other major cities of the country by rail.a mega rail cum road bridge Munger Ganga Bridge is under construction which would connect Munger city to nearby cities of Begusarai, Khagaria and various other Districts of North Bihar in the near future.the bridge is most likely to be thrown open to public by 2014 year end. it will be the 3rd largest rail cum road bridge in India. Jamalpur Junction is one of the major railway junctions in India. Buses, taxis and autorickshaws are available round the clock at Jamalpur Junction for Munger city. Jamalpur Junction is originating station for many Express and Passenger trains. The important trains originating from the Jamalpur Junction are: 1. Jamalpur-Howrah express 2. Jamalpur-Malda town Inter city Express and many passengers trains originate for nearby destination.


Munger is well connected to major parts of India by various National Highways and State Highways. It is well connected to major cities of Bihar and Jharkhand like Patna, Ranchi, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur,Jamshedpur, Dhanbad, Gaya, Bokaro and Darbhanga by NH 80,NH 333 and NH 333B and various other state Highways.regular Bus service are provided by BSRTC for all the major cities and nearby destination.Buses, Taxi and Auto Rickshaw are available for intra city transport. A mega Munger Ganga Bridge is under construction which will link Munger to various Districts of North Bihar and North Eastern part of the India by 2014 year end.


Munger has a small airport with no commercial service and used only for VIP movements. Nearest domestic airport with commercial service is Patna airport around 180 km away. Patna is served by all major airlines. Nearest international airport is Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport in Kolkata Which is around 480 km away from Munger.


Munger is located on National Waterway No-1 running from Allahabad(U.P) to Haldia(W.B).it is well connected to major cities like Patna, Bhagalpur, Varanasi, Kolkata, and Allahabad through waterway.



  1. Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Munger.
  2. Vidya Sanskar, Munger.
  3. Notre Dame Academy, Munger (Estd.1957).
  4. Notre Dame Academy, Jamalpur(Estd.1950).
  5. Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jamalpur(Estd.1973).
  6. Dav Public School, Purabsarai.
  7. Dav Public School, Jamalpur.
  8. New Era Public School.
  9. Arya Bal Santhi Niketan.
  10. Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Jamalpur
  11. Little Angels School
  12. Awadhoot Academy, Safiabad
  13. zila school(oldest)
  14. S.K.D Memorial Public School
  15. KIDZEE, Bekapur

There are many govt primary and secondary schools that run under Munger Municipal Corporation.


  1. RD&DJ College (Estd. 1898).
  2. Balmiki Rajniti mahila College (Estd. 1958).
  3. Bishwanath Singh Institute of Legal Studies.
  4. JMS College Website(Estd.1964).
  5. Jamalpur College (Estd. 1969).
  6. JRS college, Jamalpur.
  7. Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (Estd. 1928)
  8. International Architecture Research Academy.
  9. Govt Medical College&Hospital(proposed)
  10. Govt Engineering College(proposed)
  11. Miracle Brain Institute (for vedic and abacus maths)
  12. Eastern Railway Inter college.
  13. R.S. College, Tarapur


  1. Bihar School of Yoga (deemed university for yogic studies)

Monghyr Facts

Nickname(s): Twin City, Yoga Capital of the World, Yognagri
Latitude 25.381°N 
Longitude 86.465°E

STD Code
+91 – 6344

Temperature (deg C)
Summer – Max, Min
Winter – Max , Min

Best Season
October to February

68 sq. Kilometers (26 sq mi)

3,88,000 (2011)


Monghyr, Kharagpur

Major Rivers
Ganga,Mohane, Harohar, Kiul

Major Crops
Paddy, wheat, lentils

Major Industries
Gun and tobacco factory at Munger, Locomotive repair at Jamalpur

Angika, Hindi, English

Information Centre
Tourist Information Centre Government of Bih