Made by Shyam Kumari (Ulao estate) in 1857, Radheshyam temple is situated 5 km west of Begusarai town on National Highway 31 at a place called Ulao. This temple is more than a century old. It is embellished with exquisite murals of rich Rajasthani Shekhawati Art of painting. This temple attracts maximum number of devotees from all over India. They are seen chanting the devotional numbers dedicated to Lord Krishna.
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ऋषि गौतम धाम, खम्हार, बेगूसराय | Rishi Gautam Dham, Khamhar, Begusarai
बिहार राज्य के बेगूसराय जिला मुख्यालय से लगभग 8 किलोमीटर दूर खम्हार ग्राम स्थित गौतम धाम है। गौतम वंशियो के सहयोग से सर्व जन हिताय-सर्व जन सुखाय स्थापित यह धाम बेगूसराय रोसड़ा राज्य पथ एस एच 55 पर स्थित हिंदुओं का एक महान् तीर्थ नगरी एवं सांस्कृतिक स्थल के रूप में विकसित हो रहा है। उत्तरी बिहार की विरासत की पवित्र भूमि और गौतम गोत्रीय समाज की अवधारणा को जनमानस के बीच उजागर करने में यह स्थल अवश्य ही अग्रणी भूमिका निभाएगा। पर्यटन की दृष्टि से यह स्थान बिहार के गौरव में चार चाॕद लगा रहा है| समग्र विश्व को न्याय दर्शन देने वाले अक्षपाद महर्षि गौतम के सम्मान में निर्मित महर्षि गौतम न्याय मंदिर में धार्मिक ,आध्यात्मिक, सांस्कृतिक ,विरासत को सहेजने और आलोकित करते रहने के लिए महर्षि गौतम और माता अहल्या की भव्य प्रतिमा प्राण प्रतिष्ठित हैं ।
महापुरुषों के अलावे प्राचीन भारत के महान् मार्गदर्शक मनीषियों, ऋषियों, मुनियों की भव्य तस्वीर चतुर्दिक प्रदर्शित हैं। लोक आस्था और नैतिकता की भावना को बढ़ावा देने के लिए श्री रामभक्त हनुमान जी की माता अंजना माई और उनकी गोद में प्यारे दुलारे…
बुतरु – अंगिका ग़ज़ल – किसलय कोमल | Butru – Angika Ghazal – Kislay Komal
बुतरू कs, पढाय देलकै, बड़ा बनाय देलकै।जिनगी आपनो, इहै मs पूरा, बिताय देलकै।।
जे कमाइने छेलै, लगी-हारी कs, दिन-रात।सब्भै, बुतरू के ममता मs, लुटाय देलकै।।
हमरs नुनू , सब्भै संs छै, दू फलांग आगू।जाने, भगमान, कोन पुन्य के, फsल देलकै।।
बड़ा होय, बुतरू, करतै, बुढ़ाढ़ी मs सेवा।इहै सोची-सोची, जवानी, बुढ़ाय देलकै।।
कत्तो कहै, लोग सिनी, होकरा बारे मेँs।बात, दुनो जीव, हवा में, उड़ाय देलकै।।
बड़ा होथैं, जानें की होलै, भूली गेलै हमरा।आरो, सब लगाव भी, गंगा मs, बहाय देलकै।।
टुकुर-टुकुर ताकै, दिनभर, द्वारी दन्ने।बेरा डुबथैंह, पल्ला, भिडकाय देलकै।।
कमाय के इन्हीं, की देथौं, माय बाप कs।उलटा, पेंशन पs नज़र, गराय देलकै ।।
भाँगलो देहs मs, जान, कैंहैं अखनिहों छै।इहे जानै, बुतरु, ऐला दिन, फ़ोन घुमाय देलकै।।
~ किसलय "कोमल"
दिनांक : १३-दिसंबर-२०२३
अनूप लाल मंडल | Anup Lal Mandal
स्व. अनूप लाल मंडल बिहार के एक प्रसिद्ध उपन्यासकार थे, जो नाटक, गद्य और कहानी लेखन में भी अपनी दक्षता का प्रदर्शन किया था। उनकी कहानियों और उपन्यासों में आम जनता के मुद्दों, सामाजिक समस्याओं और मनोवैज्ञानिक विषयों को विस्तृत रूप से व्यक्त किया गया है।
समेली' (मोहल्ला- चकला मोलानगर) शब्द 'मानस-स्क्रीन' पर आते ही एकमात्र नाम बड़ी ईमानदारी से उभरता है, वह है- "अनूपलाल मंडल" (जन्म- माँ दुर्गा की छठी पूजा के दिन, 1896; मृत्यु- 22 सितंबर 1982)। 'परिषद पत्रिका' (वर्ष-35, अंक- 1-4) ने अनूपजी के जीवन-कालानुक्रम को प्रकाशित की है, इस शोध-पत्रिका के अनुसार-- आरम्भिक शिक्षा चकला-मोलानागर में ही । मात्र 10 वर्ष की अवस्था में प्रथम शादी, पत्नी की मृत्यु के बाद दूसरी शादी 16 वर्ष की आयु में सुधा से । तीसरी शादी 27 वर्ष की उम्र में मूर्ति देवी से । सन 1911 में गाँव के उसी विद्यालय में प्रधानाध्यापक नियुक्त, जहाँ उन्होंने प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा ग्रहण किये थे । बाद में शिक्षक-प्रशिक्षण 1914 में सब्दलपुर (पूर्णिया) से प्राप्त किये । प्राथमिक और मध्य विद्यालयों से होते हुए 1922 में बे…
अमृतदेश अंगप्रदेश | Amritdesh Angpradesh – डॉ. अमरेंद्र | Dr. Amarendra – Angika Book
अर्पिता चौधरी – Arpita Choudhary
अर्पिता चौधरी अंगिका भाषा की एक उभरती हुई गायिका और रचनाकार हैं | उनकी गायकी बहुत ही मधुर और दिल को छू लेने वाली है. उन्होंने कई विषयों पर गाने और गीत गाये हैं, जिनमें से कई विवाह गीत, छठ पूजा गीत और अंगिका एवं अंग क्षेत्र की संस्कृति के ऊपर गाये गीत हैं| वो कई बार अपने गीत खुद ही लिखती हैं | अर्पिता चौधरी अंगदेश.कॉम से भी जुडी हुई हैं।
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प्रतियोगिता परीक्षा में अंगिका भाषा को शामिल किये जाने को लेकर दायर किये गए रिट याचिका पर सुनवाई करते हुए पटना हाई कोर्ट ने राज्य सर्कार से जवाब तलब किया है|
बाल विवाह – अंगिका कविता – हीरा प्रसाद ‘हरेन्द्र – Baal Vivaah – Angika Poem – Heera Prasad Harendra
हरदम तोरा बुझाबै छिहों, भैया बात सुनो नै डर | जैहों गलती हम्में करलहों , वैहों गलती तोंय नै कर ||
हमरा बापें कहै पढ़ी ले, काम काज कुछ करिहैं तोयं | जुआ पचीसी खेली खेली, धन संपत्ति नै हारिहैं तोयं ||
नै राखलौन समझैलें उनको, झुट्ठे बाप करै चर चर | जैहों गलती हम्में करलहों , वैहों गलती तोंय नै कर ||
हमरा जूती पड़लै देखी, गोस्सा बापो के बरलै | जल्दी बीहा शादी करैके, भूते माथा पर चढ़लै ||
बात मनों के होतो देखि, कथी ल करथों टर टर टर | जैहों गलती हम्में करलहों , वैहों गलती तोंय नै कर ||
चौदह बरस जखैनिए होलै, हो गेलै हमरो शादी | चार महीना में ही गौना, शुरू होलै तब बरबादी ||
पांच बरस में छो ठो बुतरू, कोय पीठी कोय कांखी तर | जैहों गलती हम्में करलहों, वैहों गलती तोंय नै कर ||
ऐना , टिकुली, पावडर लेली, खिच खिच रोजे होतैं छै | गुस्सा सं जे बात बोलै छी, हाथ लोर से धोथैं छै ||
मुहं के मुस्कान मिटैले, बातों में कांपे थर थर | जैहों गलती हम्में करलहों , वैहों गलती तोंय नै कर ||
महंगाई के आलम में…
ठोकर खैला सॅ सम्भलै छै – अंगिका कविता – हीरा प्रसाद “हरेन्द्र” – Thokar Khaila Sa Sambhallai Chhai – Angika Poem – Heera Prasad Harendra
मनोज कुमार पंडित – Manoj Kumar Pandit – मञ्जूषा गुरु
Shri Manoj Kumar Pandit (Bhagalpur, Bihar), known as Manjusha Guru in the Bhagalpur district of Bihar is transforming the ancient art of Ang Pradesh, the Manjusha Kala, and creating a space equivalent to well-known Mithilanchal Madhubani paintings. With his consistent efforts and dedication, Manjusha has been evolving as one of the most unique and influential art in the country. He has been practicing this art since childhood along with his mother when she used to draw Manjusha art on plates and other utilitarian items.
/*! elementor - v3.7.2 - 21-08-2022 */ .elementor-widget-divider{--divider-border-style:none;--divider-border-width:1px;--divider-color:#2c2c2c;--divider-icon-size:20px;--divider-element-spacing:10px;--divider-pattern-height:24px;--divider-pattern-size:20px;--divider-pattern-url:none;--divider-pattern-repeat:repeat-x}.elementor-widget-divider .elementor-divider{display:-webkit-box;display:-ms-flexbox;di…कादम्बिनी गांगुली – Kadambini Ganguly
Kadambini Bose Ganguly (18 July 1861 – 3 October 1923) was a medical doctor in India. She was one of the first Indian women to have practised with a degree in modern medicine. She was the first Indian woman to practice medicine in India. Ganguly was the first woman to gain admission to Calcutta Medical College in 1884, subsequently trained in Scotland, and established a successful medical practice in India. She was the first woman speaker in the Indian National Congress.
Early lifeKadambini was born in Bengali Kayastha family as Kadambini Basu who was the daughter of Brahmo reformer Braja Kishore Basu. She was born on 18 July 1861 at Bhagalpur, Bengal Presidency (modern day Bihar) in British India, raised in Barisal. The family was from Chandsi, in Barisal which is now in Bangladesh. Her father was headmaster of Bhagalpur School. He and Abhay Charan Mallick started the movement for women's emancipation at Bhagalpur, establishing the women's organisation Bhagalpur …
महर्षि मेही परमहंस – Maharshi Mehi Paramhans
Maharshi Mehi Paramhans is a saint in the tradition of Sant Mat. He is usually known as 'Gurumaharaj'. He was the guru of 'Akhil Bhartiye Santmat Satsang'. He studied Vedas, main Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, different sutras of Buddhism, the Quran, saint's literature and from this assessed that the essential teaching contained in all of these is one and the same. He gave one and easiest method to attain 'Moksha'. They are 'Satsang' and 'Dhyan'(Meditation). Mehi was a direct disciple of Baba Devi Sahab of Muradabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Early lifeMaharshi Mehi was born on 28 April 1885, in a small village of Bihar, Majhua (Khoskhsi Shyam), India. He studied from early age alone and then with Baba Devi Sahab, in 1909. As directed by his teacher, Mehi spent many years in intense meditation in an ashram located in Manihari of the Katihar district. Maharshi Mehi was born at his maternal grandparents’ home in Khokhsi Shyam Village, in Saharsa, Bihar, India. His g…
भबानी भट्टाचार्य – Bhabani Bhattacharya
Bhabani Bhattacharya (10 November 1906–10 October 1988) was an Indian writer, of Bengali origin, who wrote social-realist fiction. He was born in Bhagalpur, part of the Bengal Presidency in British India. Bhattacharya gained a bachelor's degree from Patna University and a doctorate from the University of London. He returned to India and joined the diplomatic service. Bhattacharya served in the United States, to which country he returned as a teacher of literary studies once he had left the service. He taught in Hawaii, and later in Seattle. In his mid-thirties Bhattacharya began writing fiction set in historically and socially realistic contexts. He wrote in English, his chosen medium following the advice of two prominent literary figures.
Personal lifeBhattacharya was born in Bhagalpur, part of the Bengal Presidency of British India. His parents were Bengalis. Bhattacharya studied at Patna University and received a bachelor's degree in English literature. He subs…
सुचित्रा भट्टाचार्य – Suchitra Bhattacharya
Suchitra Bhattacharya (10 January 1950 – 2015) was an Indian novelist,] known for works including Hemanter Pakhi, Kachher Manush, Aleek Shukh, Icche and Kacher Dewal. During her career as a writer, she composed over 20 novels and many short stories. Her novel Dahan was adapted into the 1997 film Dahan, and her novels Iccher Gach, Alik Sukh and Ramdhanu Rang were adapted into films by Shiboprosad Mukherjee, and her novel Onnyo Bwasanto was adapted into a television film by Aditi Roy.
Early life and educationSuchitra Bhattacharya was born in 1950 in Bhagalpur, Bihar. She was interested in writing from her childhood.
Bhattacharya graduated from the Jogamaya Devi College, an affiliated undergraduate women's college of the historic University of Calcutta, in Kolkata.
CareerHaving taken many odd jobs in her early youth, she finally joined the public service, leaving in 2004 to become a full-time writer. She started writing in the late-1970s, and nove…
कीर्ति आज़ाद (Kirti Azad)
Kirtivardhan Bhagwat Jha Azad (pronunciationⓘ; born 2 January 1959) is an Indian politician and former cricketer and who played seven Test matches and 25 One Day International for the India national cricket team between 1980 and 1986. Azad was a member of the Indian team that won the 1983 Cricket World Cup.
Azad is the son of former Chief Minister of Bihar Bhagwat Jha Azad. He was an aggressive right-hand batsman and a quickish offspinner. A surprise choice for the tour of Australia and New Zealand in 1980–81, he made his Test debut at Wellington. He was part of the Indian team that won the 1983 Cricket World Cup.
He won the 2014 Lok Sabha election for Darbhanga, Bihar. In February 2019, Kirti Azad joined Indian National Congress. He joined Trinamool Congress (TMC) after meeting TMC chief Mamta Banerjee in Delhi on Nov 23, 2021.
Domestic careerHe attended Modern School in Delhi where he was part of the school cricket team. Azad, a nonconformist…
भागवत झा आज़ाद (Bhagwat Jha Azad)
Bhagwat Jha Azad was an Indian freedom fighter and politician. He served as Chief Minister of Bihar from 14 February 1988 to 10 March 1989. He was at various times a member of parliament and a member of the Bihar state legislature.
Political careerAzad was a 20-year-old college student when he took part in a demonstration as part of the Quit India Movement in 1942. He was hit by a bullet in his leg, which incident made him famous in the press. After this, there was no going back for the young man, and a glittering political career was born. Later, Azad was also arrested several times by the British.
Independence came in 1947, exactly five years after the Quit India Movement, and Azad was advantageously poised to make a career in politics. He was part of an influential cohort of politicians from Bihar who gained prominence on the national stage during the post-independence stage, known as the "Young Turks." He was a contemporary of Bindeshwari Dubey, Abdu…
हमरोॅ गाँव – अंगिका कविता – डॉ. परमानन्द पाण्डेय
हमरोॅ सुन्दर गाँव हो, रामपुर भगमान हो !
भागलपुर सें तीन कोस दक्खिन आ पूरब जानेंगोनू बाबाधाम सें पूरब पौने कोस बखानेंउत्तर हिरा भड़ोखर सटले दोनों एक समान हो ।हमरोॅ सुन्दर गाँव हो, रामपुर भगमान हो !
जेकरोॅ गरदाँ-धुरदाँ लोटलाँ, जहाँ बितैलाँ बचपनजेकरोॅ खेत, नदी, बगिया में रमलोॅ छै हमरोॅ मनजे माटी रोॅ रस में भिजलोॅ हमरोॅ तन-मन-प्रान हो ।हमरोॅ सुन्दर गाँव हो, रामपुर भगमान हो !
छेली हमरी माय वैष्णवी किरतन-भजन सिखैलकीसुख-दुख सहि पोसी-पाली केॅ हमरा बड़ोॅ बनैलकीधरमी माता सीता देवी, वरण-कमल में ध्यान हो ।हमरोॅ सुन्दर गाँव हो, रामपुर भगमान हो !
क्रान्तिकारी पिताजी चुनचुन पाँड़े नाम उजागरनाग घोष के साथी जे, अङरेज डरै जिनकोॅ डरईस-देश-साहित्य-प्रेम उपजैलथिन पिता महान हो ।हमरोॅ सुन्दर गाँव हो, रामपुर भगमान हो !
दीदी बड़ी सुदामा देवी श्यामा बहिन दुलारीसरोसती-लक्ष्मी रङ दोनों नैहर-सासुर प्यारीदोनों असमय विदा लेलकी गेली देश बिरान हो ।हमरोॅ सुन्दर गाँव हो, रामपुर भगमान हो !
भैया पंडित नन्द सच्चिदा जिनकोॅ …
डॉ. परमानन्द पाण्डेय – Dr. Permanand Pandey
Dr. Parmanand Pandey is called the father of Angika.
Dr. Parmanand Pandey was a poet. He crafted Angika the way a jeweler crafts a diamond. His creative personality has mesmerized many readers and his fellow language scientists. It is only because of his efforts that Angika language is now taught in the post-graduation program in Tilkamanjhi Bhagalpur University.
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जन्म : 18 दिसंबर, 1919, भागलपुर
डॉ. परमानन्द पांडेय की रचनाएँ पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
He worked on Angika grammar, spelling, comparative study of Angika and Bhojpuri and interrelation between Angika and Hindi. He had published a handwritten Magazine ‘Chaanan’ in A…